Sunday, March 1, 2009

One very good way to cause fear and dread in the hearts of the Average American is to have a terrorist attack. There have been calls for the president's failure. There have been dire predictions of more and better (worse?) terrorist attacks. More attacks will allow the "out" party to accuse the "in" party of betraying the country, being soft on this and that, and causing pain and death ot Average Americans. They might get away with it. So how does one promote a terrorist attack?

One could people who might want to commit an act of terrorism. Give them the information they might possibly want to blow up a helicopter, for instance. Let them download the information from a defense contractor's computer via a peer to peer network nominally used for music exchanges.

If such acts were sufficient to produce war, the defense contractor would receive much money for helping fight the war. So helping our possible enemies is good business practice for our defense industry in general and, of course, our military.

Even if they did not produce war, they would greatly aid the "out" party to get back "in" . Strong motivation for both groups, military and political.